Wolfstreet Platform & Fees
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Wolfstreet Platform & Fees
Last updated
Token Creation and Liquidity Provision
At the time of token creation, trading becomes available via a virtual liquidity bonding curve, enabling users to contribute to liquidity by buying and selling the deployed tokens on the Wolfstreet platform. Trading occurs using the native token of the choosed blockchain through a smart contract of Wolfstreet platform. Token Creation Modes:
Normal Launch Mode - fee: 20 CRO
Hyped Launch Mode - fee: 200 CRO
The primary distinction between a Normal and Hyped launch lies in the buy limit structure during the initial phase of a Hyped launch.
In a Hyped launch, token purchases are scaled gradually over a 4-minute period to promote fair participation and mitigate the impact of sniper bots:
First 2 Minutes: The maximum buy limit is set at 2,000 CRO.
Next 2 Minutes: The maximum buy limit increases to 3,000 CRO.
This tiered buy limit approach is designed to provide additional protection against automated trading bots (sniper bots) and promote a healthier and more equitable distribution of the token supply among participants, but do not guarantee a 100% effect.
Liquidity Bonding Curve
Once the predetermined CRO target is achieved, the token transitions ("graduates") from the Wolfstreet platform to the choosed DEX by the founder in the token creation process, where it becomes available for trading on the decentralized exchange. The CRO contributed during the bonding curve phase is allocated as liquidity to the token’s trading pair on the choosed DEX by the founder in the token creation process, facilitating trading activity, minus the platform fees and graduation fees.
For each trade conducted during the bonding curve phase, a 1% platform fee is applied. This fee supports the sustainability and operational costs of the Wolfstreet platform.
Graduation Process
Once the entire token supply allocated to the bonding curve has been purchased, the token becomes eligible for graduation. Graduation can occur either automatically or manually, depending on the founder's choice. If manual graduation is selected, the founder can initiate the process by clicking the "Graduate" button on the interface.
Upon graduation, the Wolfstreet contract seeds the remaining token supply to the decentralized exchange (DEX), paired with the native token raised during the bonding curve phase. A graduation fee of 10% is deducted from the raised amount before seeding the liquidity.
After graduation, the token remains tradable on the Wolfstreet platform interface, leveraging Wolfswap’s aggregator DEX functionality to facilitate ongoing trading activity.
No Guarantees: Participation in trading or liquidity provision on Wolfstreet does not guarantee financial returns. Users are advised to exercise caution and perform their own due diligence before engaging in token transactions or contributing to liquidity pools.
Liquidity Provision: The CRO contributed during the bonding curve phase is solely intended to provide liquidity on VVS/Ebisus or any DEX that the founder choose and is not an investment in the token or the Wolfstreet platform.
Risk of Loss: Trading tokens and contributing to liquidity pools involve inherent risks, including market volatility, potential loss of funds, and smart contract vulnerabilities. Users are encouraged to understand these risks and consult with a financial advisor if necessary.
Regulatory Compliance: Users must ensure that their participation in trading or liquidity provision complies with applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction.